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Thursday 11 October 2012

Dalbeattie HardAss!

Dalbeattie Hardrock Challenge. Well, yesterday I tried something a bit different - I took part in the Dalbeattie Harddrock challenge. 10 miles forest run and then 16 miles of the Dalbeattie Hardrock mountain bike route at the notorious Seven Stanes. I was concerned about the biking leg of this challenge as having reccied the route a few weeks ago I found it tough going. I had a bit of a bike crisis on Saturday realising I had no brake pads on the front and had to race to On Yer Bike for a quick repair job (thanks Will). The weather for the day could not have been better, bright sunshine and dry! After weeks of rain this was an unexpected bonus! I started the run leg and was amazed to find that for the first time in almost a year my knee felt ok! Nothing else mattered - I did however manage to obtain huge blisters on the soles of my feet from running in my orthotics and my bright purple salomons that are now more of a black colour! I had one gel and some 9 bar on the course to fuel my run. At transition I was second place solo female and delighted to find a nice marshall had already got my bike ready for me, quick change of shoes and off I went. I was amazed to find I loved the biking leg, it felt tough and I had a laugh with fellow competitors, saw some amazing falls! I had no problems passing and being passed by people despite having some concerns about this initially. I adore my bike and couldn't ask for a better one to ride on that sort of terrain. It bounces down things and despite needing anew bottom bracket it stood up to the job and performed brilliantly. I only had one proper fall off the bike and this resulted in a sideways roll down a grassy bank so nothing too traumatic. Whilst on the bike section I was overtaken by one female and knew that this would result in me obtaining 3rd place if I could keep it up. 16 miles on the bike felt like a long long way and my thighs were burning. Phil popped up in three places on the bike course to support ( shout abuse) at me amd it was nice to see him. Also many of the supporters were ringing cow bells and cheering which always helps to perk you up a bit. I finished the bike leg in just under two hours which I was pleased with. 1.59 for the bike leg and 1.17 for the run leg. Third placed solo female in a time of 3hrs 16.