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Looked after by....

Monday 22 October 2012

Ennerdale 50K

9Bar and High Terrain Events had persuaded me that Ennerdale 50K looked like a good race to have a go at. I have only done two marathons since May and my training runs have only been up to 15 miles so 50K could be a test. I have been trying to be good with my knee strengthening and am very much looking forward to getting back into the long distance runs again. I drove up to Ennerdale Saturday evening and it was great to meet Ian Mulvey and Emily, not forgetting Murphy the dog. Also it was good to meet some of the people who would be Marshalling the course the next day (especially Simon as he had the cakes at Black Sail!) An early night and a cracking night's sleep had me up in the morning and raring to go. It was fantastic to see Liz and Alan there to support and Denzil, Lucy and Clare too. Denzil and Clare were running the 50k but Denzil had to pull out at 25k - Clare did great and finished strong) You really couldn't ask for a more beautiful venue, the sunshine was stunning on the lake and I felt quite positive. Breakfast of porridge, 9bar and half a Snickers bar washed down with a cup of tea would set me up for the day. As mentioned in my earlier blog I decided to "risk it" and wear my new Hydration vest - the right choice! I also ran in my new XR Missions (first event of any real distance in them) they are the nicest colour ever! Bright Purple, although I wasn't hopeful that they would stay that colour. I set off at the front as always and enjoyed running with the top four men for a brief time. Quick loo stop at three miles reminded me why I shouldn't drink tea before I run. The first six miles were on forest tracks along the side of the lake and consisted of a gradual steady climb. I was delighted to see Black Sail Youth Hostel (only accessible by foot or bike!) and the array of cakes was wonderful. A cheery Simon (and Flynn) greeted me, quick water and carry on my way. I was first lady at this point and about 6th place overall. I was thinking that if I could get back to this point on the second lap in first place then I should be able to win this. Quick munch on an oatcake and a gel and continue along the other side of the lake. Then COWS! AAAAARGH! although they were blocking the path, I think they sensed my fear and let me pass without eating me. The next section was very difficult, incredibly rocky, greasy and full of tree roots. I can honestly say that I stumbled over most of this section as I certainly couldn't call it a run. I was not looking forward to running this section again. Ian Mulvey - your name was mud at this point! The section up to Angler's Crag was stunning and Marsha had the hardest marshal job ensuring people didn't stumble into the lake on the rocky descent. from this point the run in was quite nice and I could see the half way point. There was great support from spectators as we passed by the start/finish/halfway point again a well stocked hydration and feed station (i only had water!) and in my head "Now the race starts!" Right, round number two! In many ways the easy bit - keep my position and keep moving. My knee and hip were getting tired at this point - this was about 17 miles in and of course my training runs have only been around this distance so it was bound to start getting tough. Thoughts of a very special person who is an awful lot tougher than me really kept me going at this point. (I owe you Costa Coffee and cake) I tried to convince myself that I should just enjoy the stunning scenery and just keep plodding on. Again lots of nice people offering support and smiles and encouragement from SportsSunday photographers kept me going. A bit of cheese and some cliff shots along with the usual Zero in my backpack kept me going. I did get two stitches which was unusual but I guess I am not used to running this sort of distance at the minute. As I could see Black Sail again I started to feel a little confident that maybe I could win this. I knew that it wouldn't be a PB 50K course and I certainly wouldn't finish in 4.15 like at Nottingham but Liz and Alan were there to see me win so I had better get running! As I left Black Sail once again saying farewell to cheery Simon, I could see the lady in second about 3/4 mile behind me so I picked up the pace as much as I could. I kept saying to myself that I had led this from the start and I wasn't going to lose now! I ran with a lovely bloke who really kept me going and ensured my safe passage through the cows again. I had also passed a fellow competitor Paul who was really struggling with his knee and it reminded me of May when I had to walk half of the 40, it made me really appreciate only having a slight niggle in my knee and I vowed to keep doing my strengthening daily to ensure my running fitness returns. The "Evil" trail section loomed and my feet were very sore! Not because of the shoes but because of the pointy rocks High Terrain events had planted there. I was delighted to see Angler's crag becoming closer and closer! Marsha stopped me heading off in the wrong direction, think I was becoming delirious. I did ask her if second lady was very close behind me could she please just push her off the edge for me.....I was joking, honest but I was also feeling the pain a bit at this point. On the last mile I was pretty sure I was now home and dry and felt really pleased with myself. The support at the finish was great and the Salomon and 9bar flags were brilliant at guiding my route home. This was a super event, great sponsorship from 9 Bar and Salomon and wonderful organisation and planning from Ian and Emily. The winner's trophy was a great idea and prizes from Salomon - LOVELY NEW TRAINERS! and of course my favourite 9 bars made me a very happy bunny! I don't feel that I ran particularly well and I need to get some long training runs in but I feel like I am getting back on track - Slowly! Thanks to the 9bar team, High Terrain and Salomon for a fantastic day!