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Looked after by....

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Mucky Races

A team get together arranged for us by Ninebar! What a wonderful idea. A lovely hotel had been booked and the team and partners were all treated to a lovely meal and drinks followed by a day of racing at the "Mucky Races" in Essex. Phil, Blizzard and I drove down on Saturday (In the New Merc!)it was quite a long drive and the weather was awful - torrential rain and lots of flooding in the fields. That evening we had a wonderful time meeting the rest of the team. I already knew, Liz and Alan, Mark, Kate, Denzil, Lucy, Richard, Shaun and Charlie and it was brilliant to see everyone again and to meet some members of the team that I had heard of but not met. I also met my "twin" Kim! We talked and realised that we seemed to have followed each other around the country in our lives so far and even knew some mutual buddies too. I had to laugh though when she told me that she had a pair of new trainers for the race in the morning - oops! A huge thanks to 9Bar for this fantastic evening, we had a brilliant time and what a great way to celebrate a great company and a lovely bunch of people. The event on the Sunday morning was brilliant fun! There were problems with parking flooding etc but these were soon forgotten when running around in chest high bogs. The people that I am lucky enough to run with are amazing! Some fabulous athletes and genuinely nice people who I enjoy spending time with. The same can be said for the organisers and managers of our team - an outstanding bunch of people who I am privileged to know. Thank you for supporting me and helping me this year - roll on 2013! When I will train harder, run faster and hopefully achieve more!