Looked after by....

Looked after by....

Monday 4 November 2013


Today at 6:18 PM
How to regress to a 13 year old.....

I discovered the secret of youth this weekend courtesy of my friends and team mates at 9bar.

Mr Ninebar had arranged a day out with BMX expert Kim Bent, one of our fellow team members. Bike hire, equipment and tuition had all been arranged, however someone forgot to book the weather. We arrived at Platt Fields Park in Fallowfield, Manchester to rather torrential rain and gale force winds.....it was only then that Kim announced there was an Indoor track we "could" have gone to! (Thanks Kim!)

Myself, Mark, Peter and his friend Ben were given equipment, elbow pads, shin pads - adult size for the grown ups and kids ones for me! Then full face helmets, an improvement some may say......then the best bit - things that were like bikes but smaller!

We were taken out onto the "pumping" part of the track and after a bit of tuition we were let loose on the first section...... It was so much fun!

The bikes were great and I instantly regressed to a 13 year old kid doing a paper round.  Riding the bumps was great fun and when you pumped your arms and body you could keep the speed up pretty well. Then as our skills improved we were allowed to tackle the bends!

We were given hints and tips from the coaches and Kim was on hand to help out too. I was very impressed watching her effortlessly glide around the track and I can totally understand why she enjoys it so much.

I became very competitive and once we started on the whole track from the start hill I can honestly say that I was hooked! Mr Ninebar was enjoying himself too and we had a great time bouncing around the track like kids.

No one wiped out, although there were a few scary moments when we got a bit too much air off the top of the start hill.........then came the 9bar BMX championships.

Competitive.....us.....never! All you need to know is that rightly Kim won and I wasn't last.

I am REALLY tempted to have a go at a BMX novice race.......I can't seem to refuse when people suggest ideas to me...so who knows what may happen there.

A huge thank you to Mr 9Bar, Kim Bent (Read Kim's Blog here....


and Manchester BMX for a great morning out.

I may have to purchase another bike.......
