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Looked after by....

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Time to see the chop your foot off man......

Surgery time!

I decided to go ahead with the Neuroma Excision on my left foot. The discomfort has gone on for years and it seemed like it was time to try and fix it. The surgery is not guaranteed to work and the problem can return but I figured that it was worth trying.

 I arrived at Wrightington Hospital near Wigan for 7.15am as instructed, on the 19th January – then a long day of waiting around followed. I had read my book by 11am and I have to admit I was struggling with the lack of food and drink in my tummy. Fasting from midnight the night before as I was having to have a General Anesthetic – so whilst the ladies around me were having tea and toast I was just watching with envy. Anyone who knows me also knows I like my food.

I knew that I was last on the list and that my surgery would be in the afternoon but I was thankful that the appointment had come through so early so I wasn’t too worried about the wait. The blood pressure and checks had all been carried out and then at 4.00pm the anesthetic nurse arrived to take me to theatre. I was prepped for surgery and given a pain killing injection, I don’t know what it was but I instantly went dizzy and lightheaded and then the anesthetic was injected. The next thing I know was waking up in recovery feeling fine and was then taken back to the ward for sandwiches and a cup of tea. My checks were all done, given a special shoe to walk in when I need it, painkillers, sick note and an appointment in two weeks to have the stitches out and then 6 weeks to see the Surgeon Mr Clough, who I hope has done a good job!

By 8.45pm I was at home with my foot elevated and that has pretty much been it.
I have tried to elevate my foot all the time as instructed and I’m not walking on the foot. I’m not really taking any painkillers at the moment. Just a paracetamol at night time or codeine if it is bad. It doesn’t tend to hurt if I keep it elevated and I can move it all pretty well. Obviously if I put any weight on it then it hurts so I won’t do that.

What they actually do in the surgery is remove the nerve from the foot so I will probably have some numbness in my toes but hopefully I won't have the constant pain or the intense cramping when I race.

Here is what they did....
But on my foot it was to the 3rd and 4th Web space.

So far so good. 

I’m trying to plan out future races but if I’m honest I haven’t a clue what to do or what I want to do….Still........ I have plenty of time to think about it.