Looked after by....

Looked after by....

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Return to Racing.

At last a return to my beloved racing - As anyone will agree it is a love - hate relationship really.
I knew that before I tackled the Intercounties I wanted to do at least one race. Permission was granted to return to racing in May so Pinhaw fell/Trail race was a nice one on the calendar that I had done before and I knew was a relatively easy one that would give my foot and fitness a good test.

So a friday night race - Registered and did the usual feeling sick and worrying about how i'd feel and how my foot would be. It was so good to be back on the scene chatting with people again and the perfect summer evening drew out a good field. 201 entries.

I set off fairly near the front and tried not to start too quickly - what I like about Pinhaw is it is just up and then back down and the descent s easy underfoot and fast.
I had weird feelings in my arms and legs after the first few mins - think it was a shock to the system having a go at a race again. It settled anyway and I carried on up the track - noting that I was in about 6th place out of the ladies. Once we hit the road section and the crossed onto the stoney fell track I knew that there wasn't long to go and started to push a bit harder knowing that in about half a mile the fun was coming.

I hot the trig and was informed I was third lady. I knew that the second lady wasn't far ahead and I was fairly confident that I would be able to catch her on the way down. I set off at a great pace down hill and overtook the second lady fairly soon. Then run run run as fast as I could. I knew I wouldn't be caught. Loved it! I have missed racing so much. Chuffed to finish second lady and to knock 90 seconds off my time on that course too.
Happy days.