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Looked after by....

Thursday 8 December 2011

Ok so i got a sore knee!

Well after feeling totally fine after the 40 not even tight muscles, I went to the club on Tuesday evening to do a nice steady run. All was well until about 4 miles into the run when I got a pain in the outside of my right knee. So much so I had to stop and walk back! The next day this was still painful so begrudgingly i cancelled my Wednesday long run and have rested since. My knee feels pretty good now although still a slight twinge when walking downhill. I really wanted to run this evening as the weather was dreadful and Blizzard is dying for a run but I am trying to be sensible. I have only run five miles since saturday and hate that but there is always next week.

While I wait to run I can plan next year and prepare my race plans!