Looked after by....

Looked after by....

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Borrowdale 21K.

Scafell trail marathon last year with High Terrain Events www.highterrainevents.co.uk was my all time favourite event! This year however I decided that being 27 weeks pregnant descending Scafell in a race was probably not the most sensible option so I chose to have a nice day out running the half marathon version instead.

The course is beautiful and one that I have run a number of times whilst up in the Lakes with Ian and Emily so I knew that it would be a great day out. I wasn't chasing any times at all, the aim was to just keep up my longish runs for as long as possible so a jog around a nice half marathon seemed a good option. I had planned on walking the uphills if I needed to and just taking it nice and steady.

I arrived at Keswick nice and early to help out a little with registration and it was great to see 9Bar "Mum and Dad" Liz and Alan already helping out with spreading the 9 bar love with the Tri Hard Triathlon event that was also taking place.

It was a boiling hot day, I even remembered the suncream, I wasn't sure how I would manage in the heat as I am supposed to be careful not to overheat....not usually a problem in England. As the 11am start time approached I made my way down towards Nichol End Marina where the race was to start from.

A quick few words with Ian and "Salomon James" who reminded me to take it easy! Then we were off. I started in the middle of the group and kept telling myself "Steady away." After the first three miles up the hill and along towards the lakeshore I looked at my watch and was a little surprised to find in 21 mins I had already covered 3 miles......yeah....Take it easy Vic!

It was incredibly hot and I made sure that I kept taking on water that I had in my SLab pack...clearly I was taking on enough throughout the run as I managed 4 "Comfort" stops. As we approached the climb towards Castle Cragg I caught up with Kath who I had met on the Trail running weekend a few weeks previously. We had a chat about how hot it was and then I carried on.

I felt great......I had no discomfort whatsoever, my hips felt good, my knee ligaments which had given me some pain and was expertly taped up by my superstar physio Duncan felt fine too. I wasn't out of breath and baby Mo thankfully seemed to be sleeping rather than kicking me.

At the 6 miles point I was really pleased that I had opted to do the 21k rather than the 13K as I was really enjoying the run. It was nice for once actually looking around at the scenery rather than head down race mode. I was also starting to wonder how I would have got on had I done the full marathon route too.

The climb up to Watlendath was of course a killer! I remember it well from last year and it felt tough this year too, I even stopped at a stream to throw water over my head as it was phenomenally hot on the ascent.
This was all made worthwhile though by the fantastic descent back down into the valley!

It was lovely at the feed station to get cheered on by Em, Spencer and Sarah, I think Murphy was there barking encouragement too but I may have imagined that. I remember looking at my watch at 10 miles, feeling pretty fresh and thinking 3 miles to go no problem and I then seemed to start catching up quite a lot of people.

 The singletrack route back towards Keswick where we caught up many of the 13K runners was one of my favourite sections. Rooty, rocky, twisty and one where you had to really concentrate on where you put your feet.

As you move towards Keswick it is a super atmosphere as people cheer you on as you run back into town. I was pleased to discover that Simon hadn't added on the extra little detour onto the viewpoint at Friar's crag that I remembered from last year!

I finished with a big smile on my face after a really enjoyable run.

Results are here - http://results.sportident.co.uk/home/event.html?eventid=e4f0344f-164a-4125-9b9c-b7e7075b354d&mobile=false

I was 62nd place from 183 finishers. 10th Lady I think. 2hr16.

The afternoon was then spent catching up with friends, meeting 9Bar members and enjoying watching all the other runners from the three events come in.

Big congratulations to
Ricky Lightfoot on his 2nd place in the marathon.
Huge well done to my 9bar buddies - Charlie Sharp, Sally Ozanne, Renee Saxton, Kim Collinson and Rob Jude for their excellent performances over the weekend.

Thanks to Ian, Emily and the rest of their team for another cracking event.

Also can't forget 9bar www.9bar.com for keeping me fueled and for their constant support for my running, even when I am not officially racing! I am incredibly lucky to be part of such an amazing bunch of individuals.

And of course my excellent Physios at Athlete Matters www.athletematters.co.uk for looking after me and for putting me back together again when I need them to.

Super photos from Andrew Thrippleton, Louise Cardwell and Alan Tucker. Thank you.
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