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Looked after by....

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Trail Marathon Wales

Trail Marathon Wales!

One of my favourite events and an event that has been sponsored by 9Bar for the last thee years. I ran the Marathon course in 2012 and loved it!

I then returned in 2013 but had to pull out with the hip/glute injury that caused me issues for the remainder of 2013 so I was looking forward to having another shot at this route in 2014.

However at 28weeks pregnant the half marathon seemed like the most sensible option and I was planning on a nice jog around hopefully in the sunshine.

I arrived early friday eve after a quick visit to the 9Bar factory at Corwen to say hello to Mr 9Bar. then it was time to catch up with some of my 9bar family before the 9bar 9K event that was taking place that evening. Charlie Sharp and Liz Tucker were both running and Alan, Kim and Evie were there to support.   The venue at Coed Y Brenin is fantastic and the visitors centre was a hive of activity of like minded people looking to share a few running tales. The race set off and a happy looking bunch began their evening event. Goody bags were packed and T shirts were all ready to hand out on their return. Matt Ward does a great job organising this event and the growing number of people wanting to take part every year is testament to the fantastic atmosphere and superb arrangements which really do make this an event to remember. On the friday evening a runners party had also been arranged where people could chat to Rob Samuels, Mary Grace Spalton and Charlie Sharp (all super duper runners) and ask questions about training etc.  There was also great food provided which would fuel us well  for the mornings activities.

Matt had also arranged for a short film to be played which I can honestly say was one of the most inspiring things I have ever seen. I loved it and really thought that it was an excellent reminder as to why we run.

You can see a short extract from it here - http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UT2BPCmJDkk

A beautiful day dawned and hundreds of excited runners turned up to register and collect their fantastic goody bags complete with great t-shirt, 9bar, Torq Gel, and numbers with names on which is always a nice touch.

The marathon began first then half an hour later the half got underway. The route for the half is great, a mixture of forest tracks and some fantastic single track ascents and descents through the woods. At a nice steady pace I enjoyed taking in the beautiful scenery and had a nice run around the course. It was hot and I felt fairly similar to how I did at Scafell Half the week before - I also managed to run the almost identical time- around 2.16


Lovely guy Rob Samuel won the half in a fantastic time of 1.23.

After the event there was a super atmosphere as people hung about in the sunshine enjoying themselves and supporting the runners coming in.

A lovely weekend with my 9bar family and other super people.