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Looked after by....

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Liverpool Women's Running 10K

I took part in a few of these events last year as they are sponsored by 9bar. Women's only 10K races at various city venues. A great atmosphere and a nice goody bag is always guaranteed. This was a very special 10K as Mrs 9Bar Kate Gould was also using this as her first 10K ever!

It was a lovely sunny day as people started to gather at Sefton Park in Liverpool and it was lovely to see Joe Faulkner from Nav 4 who was helping out for the day. I was a bit confused at first as I only ever see Joe in the Lakes usually up some mountain somewhere ......not on a flat field in a city.

Mark G - Mr 9Bar and Liz Tucker (mum!) had also come along too so it was great to see them and to have a good catch up.

I was interviewed at the start of the race as Team 9Bar sponsored athlete and answered a few questions about being part of the team and how 9Bars work for me when racing. Also as it was plainly obvious that I am pregnant we had a chat about running with a bump too and people seemed genuinely interested and as the race was taking part a few women were chatting to me about running whilst pregnant during the run.

Liz Tucker was then also interviewed as our nutrition guru to discuss the health benefits of fuelling with a product like 9Bar. I managed to video most of this using the GoPro camera....hope I didn't cut her head off.

Anyway the race was soon to start and I figured I would probably be looking at getting round in about an hour...at 33 weeks pregnant I figured 10 min miles were about the best I could do.

It was an incredibly hot day and I was certainly feeling the heat! I carried my own drink as I always prefer to be self sufficient and I just had a nice run around the course. Most of the run was fairly comfortable although there was quite a lot of pressure on my bladder at points just because of the way in which baby Mo is sitting so this meant I had about 8 wee stops during the race...thankfully there were a lot of trees for me to dart behind.

Liz and Mark were wandering around the route to cheer us on and it was lovely to see them at various points. I finished in 61 minutes and it was brilliant to see Kate running up the finish chute shortly afterwards to successfully complete her first 10K race!

Excellent stuff and the first of many I am sure.

Running is most definitely becoming much more difficult these days -----only 5 and a half weeks to go now so if I can get out and run - jog - walk a couple of miles a day then I am pretty happy with that.