Looked after by....

Looked after by....

Tuesday 5 August 2014

Not long left now!

Currently 34 and a half weeks pregnant.....this means hopefully....less than 5 and a half weeks to go....don't you dare be late!!! I am not a very patient person and if baby does not arrive on time I will find this incredibly frustrating.

So how has running 'been......in all honesty pretty good!

I can't really complain (Although I sometimes do!). My weekly mileage since the superb Physios (Duncan and Andy) at Athlete Matters www.athletematters.com fixed up my hip injury in December has been pretty much 40 miles per week up until I got to 30 weeks pregnant and then it has dropped to anything from 5-15. I didn't think that I would be able to keep on running as well as I have done and this really is thanks to Duncan Mason at Athlete Matters for looking after me and for keeping my body working well all this time. I tended to see Duncan every two to three weeks so that he could stop any niggles I was having before they became problematic and interfered with my running. Tight glutes, tight back and tight calf muscles....all from carrying additional weight were fixed and this allowed me to keep up the mileage. I wasn't anticipating being able to run marathons at 5 months pregnant and half marathons at 7 months pregnant. I had a little bit of ligament pain in my right knee in May which stopped me running for a week whilst I was on holiday, but on my return Magic Mason... was able to fit me in and fix me up ready to run again. I am really grateful to Duncan and the guys at Athlete Matters for looking after me so well over the past year and hopefully I can get back to competing at a high level in Ultra Racing soon!

I have also been really committed to keeping up core work, stretching and strength work over the last year and I think this has really helped me to have an easy pregnancy so far. I am still attending the weekly core classes at Athlete Matters with either Tim or Alex and still managing to keep up with most of the exercises. I always feel better afterwards and it seems to ease backache, and various other aches. Thanks Tim and Alex for keeping these sessions great fun and incredibly useful. Wednesday evenings at 7pm at Athlete Matters - always entertaining.

So the plan is to keep on jogging a bit, use the cross trainer and keep up with some biking for the next few weeks. I have put on about 12lbs since December, I haven't changed my eating habits and although I feel like my tummy is HUGE.....apparently it is TINY....that may all change in the next month....who knows? Depends how much cake I eat.

Have I got my race plans and diary prepared for races after baby.....!!!???

What do you think?

OF COURSE I HAVE......I do realise this may have to change but might as well as have a plan and adjust it rather than having no plan at all.

I also have the most amazing Jogging pram in the world........which will ensure that baby gets to be part of my training too.....but more about that when I have some photos to share....
