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Saturday 4 October 2014

TrionZ products.

Since I started running Ultras in 2011 I have always worn TrionZ bracelets or necklaces.


The idea behind the magnetic therapy bracelets as taken from the TrionZ website is listed here...

  • Increasing blood flow and oxygen to all areas of the body; more specifically pain affected areas of the body.
  • Increased blood flow produces higher levels of the anti-inflammatory white blood cells and the more densely oxygen saturated red blood cells to the damaged areas, whilst at the same time removing toxins more readily which can often be a cause of pain.
  • Result pain is eased and the healing process is more efficient.

On long distance races in particular there is always something at some point that aches or hurts and this is why I wear them.

It can be difficult to decide how effective they are as you obviously don't know how you would feel or perform if you weren't wearing one! I find that they help with general aches and pains but without having a specific injury I am not able to comment on this aspect of the product. However, there are plenty of reviews around explaining how effective people have found them in helping with specific injuries or areas of pain. So many people wear them these days that there must be something in the magic!

In my opinion they look great, they seem to help me and any product that can help your body perform is a welcome addition to my training. 

The colour range is great, they are waterproof, durable and comfortable to wear, I usually wear mine most days even when I am not running. They are an inexpensive product that seem to help with joint stiffness and pain and they look pretty cool too. 

You can purchase them online here



Winning Scafell Pike Marathon wearing my Trionz Band.

I really like them and have worn my new one every day since giving birth to my little girl and my recovery has been fast...I am back training and looking forward to a successful year ahead.

Thank you to TrionZ for their support and I look forward to representing them over the next few months.