Looked after by....

Looked after by....

Thursday 2 October 2014

What a month!

After my last post talking about my amazing Trends for Kids running buggy, I presumed I had about three weeks left until Baby Mousley made his/her appearance.

This was not the case and our little girl arrived two and a half weeks early on the 29th August 2014.
We named her Juliet Therese and she weighed 6lbs 2oz. Juliet arrived very quickly into the world and from arriving at the hospital at midnight we only had to wait another two and a half hours for her to arrive.
She is of course amazing and all is well. Juliet is now just over a month old, I have healed up well and have started doing some jogging this week which feels great!

Core work is back on the schedule and I went last week to my usual core class at Athlete Matters on wednesday and it felt great. The first race is on the calendar...Tour of Pendle on the 15th November...I will be taking it easy and be happy if I can get round the whole thing.

Following this the plan is to do a 30 miler at the start of December and then the real training can recommence after Christmas.

I have started running again only up to five miles at the moment and everything feels ok and it was great to be out on Pendle yesterday in the sunshine on the hills.

Last night Tim did a great core session and I also had an "MOT" with Duncan at Athlete Matters just to check how everything was doing and all seems to be well.

Today I enlisted Granny to baby sit and I did a lovely run in the hills....in the sunshine. It feels so nice to be back out on the hills although the legs feel a little heavy.