Looked after by....

Looked after by....

Monday 5 August 2013

Bolton Ironman UK

My lovely friend and amazing athlete Shaun O' Keefe had to leave our ride slightly early on Saturday as on the Sunday he was competing in the Ironman UK which was being held in Bolton. 2.4 mile swim - 112 mile bike - 26.2 mile run As this was held not too far from where I live I decided I would go and watch.

Trying to get to Bolton - Rivington was virtually impossible even for a girl with local knowledge as all the roads were shut. I managed to park in Limbrick and then run to Rivington (The marshall seemed somewhat bemused when I asked him which way to go to run to Rivington and directed me down the bike course alongside the cyclists.) I had a lovely few miles run cheering on the cyclists as they passed me - Great to see their names on their numbers too so I could cheer them on properly. I ran down to Rivington school and then back up to watch some laps of the cycle course. I couldn't see Shaun and when I phoned Helen (His wife)she was in the Holiday Inn having Breakfast! - (can't miss an opportunity for good food - I agree.)

As I ran back down the course towards my van (Well limped to be honest - Hip was sore but that is another story)I spotted Shaun coming towards me - I cheered and shouted but he didn't seem to register at all. He looked pretty rough actually! (Sorry Shaun - It was at the top of the hill near the Bay Horse pub) I decided to pop to my Mum's for some lunch and then head into town to meet my friend who was one of the official photographers and see Shaun and Helen. I met Photographer Ben who it was great to catch up with and he was doing a fine job snapping all the athletes on the run section. I spotted Shaun coming through for his first run lap and cheered him on and then ran alongside him on the other side of the barriers for a short time - Which he seemed to like!

He looked much better now than he did earlier than when I saw him and he was running well and looked very comfortable. I ran with him to where his wife Helen was and had a chat with her too. I then didn't see him again and had to move my van from the carpark but Charlie came down too to cheer him on and watching everyone take part in such an amazing event was inspiring to say the least. I know that it is something I simply could not do - I actually would drown! Fantastic day out and I really enjoyed it - Huge congratulations to Shaun on an Awesome event and excellent time.