Looked after by....

Looked after by....

Tuesday 24 September 2013


Another weekend and you guessed it, another 9Bar sponsored event. They get about those 9Bar people!


This was a rather different event for this Ultra Runner - 10k with 40 Obstacles. My friend Jo had decided to enter this one too. This was not a timed event, which was probably a good thing as I am meant to be taking it easy with my sore hip. But I couldn't say no. 9Bar mention these events and I seem to just find myself saying "Oh go on then!"

We arrived at Lowther castle, a beautiful venue, I can't actually believe that I have not been here before. Liz and Alan were there already "Spreading the 9Bar love!" the event looked great and there were so many people about 1200 I believe had entered.

After catching up (After a week away!) with Alan and Liz, Mark and Kate also arrived and it was great to see them. My 9bar family are fab!

I told them that I wasn't "Racing" but sure enough found myself on the front line charging out at the front. I was leaving Jo a bit behind so had to make myself slow down. The obstacles on offer were great fun......

Mark took this one of Jo which is brilliant!
There were mud, bogs, slides and even gigantic walls which could only be scaled by finding men to help chuck us over the top. The river crossings were freezing - they actually took my breath away and I really enjoyed the whole event.

It was really well organised with a great range of obstacles and the marshalls and crew were helpful. It was lovely to see Rachel and Joe on the course and super to finally meet Gaynor who I had not yet been able to meet.

The people who had taken part obviously enjoyed it and a huge congratulations must go to those competitors who were not runners but had decided to give this a go just for the challenge.