Looked after by....

Looked after by....

Sunday 8 September 2013

Cheeky little 5 miler.

I am starting to get back into my running again - Hurrah! I must be getting easier to live with also as the two usually go together. The plan today was a nice little trail race in Walkden just 5 miles so a chance for me to see how I get on racing again. However on Saturday night about 7.30 pm I started to feel unwell - so much so that I went to bed. I planned to forget the race and stay in bed if I didn't feel right. As it happens I woke at 6.30 and felt ok. So dog walk, breakfast of 9bar and banana and off to Walkden.

I figured this would be nice low key friendly race and it was. The sun was out and the course was a nice, flat multi terrain route round a park. I had opted to wear the Salomon Speedcross today as my feet find them really comfy and I was unsure of how much mud there would be. I set off pretty quick, as always, with the first mile covered in 6.35 mins then settled into my run, I tried not to look at my watch and just run as fast as I could do. I was in first place out of the ladies from the start which is where I like to be. Running through a field of horses wasn't my favourite bit, but it could have been worse they could be cows!

At this point a runner from Swinton told me as I ran past him that second lady was on my tail and to watch her as she was pretty strong. So I tried to pick up the pace a bit. One part of the course about 3 miles in had a turnaround section where you could see the runners behind you, I clocked way too many women way too close for comfort so had to push on. A nice narrow trail section followed so I pushed hard on this section. In the back of my head I could feel myself saying "yeah 2nd lady caught me at 4 miles" and I was determined this was not going to happen. I saw the 4 mile marker and decided to go for it! When I know there is only a mile to go, ultra mentality kicks in and a mile is EASY! So I really pushed it for the last mile and could feel myself gaining a good advantage.

Finished in 33.33 - 1st lady. Mark Russell 1st man 29mins Great prize of Wine and Trail shoes! Managed to run around 6.40 min mile pace which I am sure is from running with Andy, Callum and others at Athlete Matters before Core Class.....my race pace is their training pace! Also nice to hear that winning man is also an Athlete Matters client too - clearly good physios keeping us on top form. However now I am back at home and feel pants again! Had a sleep, but feel rough, bad back, headache etc.....worth it though :-)