Looked after by....

Looked after by....

Sunday 2 March 2014

9 Bar DB Max - Chilly Duathlon.

As I can never see too much of my 9bar buddies I decided that I would go to Chippenham to take part in this event. I was intending to focus on some speed work and enjoy a nice flat road 10K that should give me the chance to obtain a PB and then Liz Tucker asked if I fancied doing the Bike part of the duathlon and she could do the two runs. An excellent idea and I was really looking forward to a blast on the road bike as I hadn't been on it for a while.

I met up on the Saturday evening with Liz and Al (9Bar Mum and Dad) we were also joined by Richard Kell and Helen; my lovely 9bar team mates who live "dahn souf" so I don't see them too frequently.

We had a great night catching up and "fuelling" for the event - although my "fuel" and Richard's "fuel" were significantly different.

The venue was Castle Coombe Race circuit which was a fantastic place and really suited this sort of event. The 10K began at 1015 after we had handed out many 9bars to lots of people signed up for the event. The weather wasn't dreadful but was incredibly windy - the 9bar flags had to be tied down very firmly to ensure that they didn't blow away. Alan of course revelled in this challenge!

I set off at a steady pace and enjoyed the run, I didn't push hard for a number of reasons, but really enjoyed the event, except for the far side of the circuit where the wind was so strong you actually felt like you were being blown backwards.

I finished in a personal worst of 43 mins -but enjoyed it! The new shoes were comfy and even better my hip was pain free thanks to my super physios at Athlete Matters looking after me so well.

We were joined for the day by Richard and Helen, Heather Mackay, Sarah Davies, Justin Montague (with his arm in plaster!) and Shaun and Helen O Keefe. It was great to meet some of the new members and I can say in all honestly that 9bar really do pick a great selection of wonderful people. It is a real privilege to spend time with them.

The duathlon was great fun - liz and I only had one aim and that was to be at the start on time as this had caused problems at the last Chilly Duathlon for a certain Peter Brook and an Olympic cyclist......also we were keen to avoid the terrible Velcroitis disease which had plagued Heather and Richard at a previous event. Transition was going to be the key!

My bike was racked and now I just had to cheer Liz on and wait for her to return.

Shaun came in looking happy and jumped onto his bike, followed by Richard AKA Batman who set Heather on her way, Sarah followed tackling the event as a soloist and looked like she was enjoying it and Liz returned with a big smile on her face. Transition went smoothly and all was well.

I can honestly say that the wind was hysterical! As you turned the first bend on the track you literally just stopped dead. The wind was fierce! People with disc wheels were being blown all over the place and it was a real battle at points to stay upright! I actually laughed each time I hit that bend - 5 in total.

I was passed by Shaun and Heather but also managed to pull a few places back and I did really enjoy racing on the bike.

Second transition went smoothly and Liz set off with the ever chivalrous Monty by her side to cheer her on.

All our runners made it back with smiles on their faces - (well, I am not sure Heather will agree with me!) and everyone who took part in the event seemed to have had a good time.

Results are linked below and it was a super day.