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Sunday 23 March 2014

Long distance running again!

Long distance running makes me happy. - Always has and I hope it always will. Over the last 8 months with being injured I haven't done any runs over 15 miles. But thanks to my amazing physios at Athlete Matters in Worsley for their treatment and advice I am happy to report I am back on the long ones and could not be happier.

A nice "Day Out" on the Three Peaks of Yorkshire at the start of the month was a good test to see how my hip was feeling. So Katey, Elton and I set off for a grand day out.
We had snow on the summit of PYG - well a little bit and sunshine and some rain too.
I was chief navigator for the day as I am not convinced Katey or Elton can read a map - although I could be wrong!
We met quite a lot of people recceing the course for an the 3P race at the end of April - Def one to do if you haven't done it. Amazing event.

We enjoyed chatting and eating yummy food and admiring the wonderful scenery - We took it at a nice easy pace and walked up a lot of the hills.

 Zak was delighted to find snow on Whernside and as you can see Katey also found it hard to contain her excitement.

We carried onto my favourite descent down Whernside and then began the slog up the slabs to the top of Ingleborough.

Feet were pretty sore by the time we reached the summit as the summit of Ingleborough is very rocky underfoot.

 (No prizes for spotting that this actually isn't the summit of Ingleborough! - the photo I have from there wasn't a good one!)

The long run back into Horton was as I remembered long, hard and boggy with lots of slippery limestone to fall on and our legs were very tired on the way back.

Still a 6 hour run - 24.5 miles covered and I think about 5200ft of climbing and best of all - PAIN FREE RUNNING!