Looked after by....

Looked after by....

Thursday 27 March 2014

Long distance running and lots of cakes!

I had successfully persuaded my friend Elton to join me on his first ever LDWA event last weekend. This was the Two Crosses Circuit around Bolton. 25 miles of off road running following a worded description of the route. Every 5 miles you check in at a checkpoint and then carry on running. These events are open to runners and walkers and are low key, good fun and the hospitality is fantastic.

I have done the Two Crosses circuit a number of times but my memory seems to fuse together all my long distance runs and I have to pay quite close attention to the route description so that I don't get lost.

We set off at 8.00am with around 200 other people after having a brew and a slice of toast in the club house. We set off at a nice steady pace and the plan was just to have a fun day out and enjoy ourselves.

The route for the Two Crosses is fantastic - Muddy fields, open moorland, beautiful scenery and lots of stiles to negotiate. The route joins with the Jumbles reservoir where I had great fun pointing out to Elton where our lovely Physio Duncan had fallen off his bike the week before down a cliff!  (Managing to leave his bike (Or Jackie's rather) at the top of the cliff - Quite a skill!)

Thankfully he survived and this will forever be known as "Duncan's Cliff".

The route then carries on and starts to climb past Turton Tower and onto Entwistle Reservoir where I spent many an hour running as a youngster. We had been past a few check points and Elton seemed impressed with the ample supply of Wine Gums, Jelly Babies and cake on offer. Little did he know the best was yet to come! The 17 mile route turns off here whilst the 25 mile route adds on a loop over towards Belmont on nice undulating tracks. There is quite a lot of moorland to cross here and very few paths marked on the ground so I was quite thankful that we were running with a guy called Alwen who we got chatting to who, like me, knew the route but needed to check certain sections. We put our heads together and managed to find the route with very few problems.

I kept telling Elton that the best was yet to come and sure enough as we looped back to Entwistle reservoir and climbed the steps to Batridge Barn Car Park - there it was - THE FOOD TENT.

I am not joking when I say that the effort that is put into these events is outstanding - Greek Salad, Soup, Tea, Coffee, Butties with all kinds of fillings, Cakes, Biscuits, Fruit Salad, Bananas and Custard, Fruit - It is a struggle to tear yourself away and get on with the run!
Elton was incredibly impressed and I don't think he was expecting anything quite like that.

Eventually I persuaded him we were here for a run....and we continued with our route.

Off down to the Wayoh reservoir now and then off up, up, up, into the hills of Bull Hill and Pilgrim's Cross,
We had been very lucky with the weather and we were both enjoying the day - Poor Elton had to keep waiting for me as I had to keep stopping for a wee!  On average every 2 miles, which was much better than last night's run where the average stop was every half mile! I found it so frustrating and am really hoping it passes. Any suggestions?

Over to Peel Tower now and this is where the route passes by the Naughty Corner - this is a spot high on the moor where there is a checkpoint where you are offered a dram of Whisky or Sherry! I kid you not! AWESOME! I of course settled for a Wine Gum.

Only about 5 miles left now and most of it downhill so a nice run back towards Bury. There is an amazing descent through a wood where you literally run from tree to tree to stop you careering down a really steep banking. Great fun.

A final couple of miles on the disused railway and the welcome sight of the club house.
The fun doesn't quite end there though........

Once in the club house you are given a choice of delicious soup, mountains of yummy sandwiches and all finished off with Tea, Coffee, and Rice pudding!

A fantastic day, decent weather, great company and good food - Happy Days and Pain Free Running!