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Tuesday 1 April 2014

For Two Fitness

I haven't run for 6 days....argh! I don't think I have ever had a break for this length of time except when injured and the culprit - a cold - that is all a silly cold which has wiped me out.

However it isn't all miserable news - Far from it! I am starting to look into the fact that my lovely running gear is not going to fit me very well for the next 5 months - The Salomon S lab kit is small to start off with so no way will that expand over my bump - once it starts emerging. Have no bump to speak of yet - it just looks like I have eaten a few too many cakes - which is probably true!

I have found some amazing Maternity running clothing from a company called For Two Fitness - Based in the US.


They make cute and practical running gear like this -
Reviews of their products are full of praise and say that the clothing is comfortable, practical and fits throughout all the stages of your pregnancy. As everyone knows, I love running kit and am always willing to try out new gear so this is the perfect excuse. I have ordered some of their gear from the US and I can't wait to try it out. The range of colours is bright and bold. Also the reviews from people using the gear are very promising too. As soon as mine arrives I will be putting it to the test - probably on a 20 mile run - hopefully in the sunshine. Although living in England maybe I should be ordering the hoodies and long sleeved items. Ever the optimist!
For Two Fitness has given me a special deal to share with you all too. You can use code "VICCIMO" to save 20% on your entire purchase even on sale items.
This code will expire in 30 days though and it cannot be used to purchase gift cards.
Check out the range offered by For Two Fitness here