Looked after by....

Looked after by....

Monday 21 April 2014

Trail Weekend with High Terrain Events.

April 12-13th 2014

My lovely friends at High Terrain events had set up their first Trail Running Weekend aimed at intermediate runners as an introduction to trail running techniques, planning your training, equipment choices and lots of other related things to introduce new trail runners to.
I couldn't say no to the opportunity of a weekend of trail running in the Lakes so decided to go along. We were staying at Derwentwater independent youth hostel


which was fantastic - the location and facilities were fantastic and the food was perfect for runners with homemade cakes and huge portions to fuel hungry appetites.

As the runners arrived they were given goody bags with Salomon socks, a great High Terrain technical T shirt and of course 9 bars - can you guess where they came from?

The most exciting bit about the weekend was that the fantastic Ricky Lightfoot - (who alongside being the IAU World Trail Champion and phenomenal runner but also one of the nicest people I have ever met) would join us for the weekend to impart his knowledge and friendly advice, he would be joined by some more superstar ultra runners.

Scott Jurek (swoon swoon!)
Scott Jurek. Ultramarathoner, vegan, babe.

One of the USA's most famous and successful Ultra runners (Throughout Jurek's career he has been one of the most dominant ultramarathon runners in the world, winning many of the sport's most prestigious races multiple times, including the Hardrock Hundred (2007), the Badwater Ultramarathon (2005, 2006), the Spartathlon (2006, 2007, 2008), and the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run (1999-2005)) would be joining us for the weekend.

Also Rickey Gates

Another top ultra runner from the USA with an amazing number of successes and our very own UK mountain running superstar Martin Cox would be here too.


not quite finished with the line up though......

Just to put the cherry on the top...

the legend Billy Bland would also be popping in on Sturday evening to have a chat and impart some knowledge too.

Running probably wasn't required with that much excitement already lined up! The runners booked on the course were really in for a treat and I was a bit star struck and just felt incredibly lucky to be able to run and chat with such an amazing line up of outstanding runners.

Representatives Jim and James from Salomon were also attending with a range of shoes and kit for people to demo over the weekend and to offer advice and information. Sam Meadows would also be running a session on planning your training and Sports Therapist Phil Smith would be on hand to provide advice on injury prevention and stretching techniques.

The first run on Friday eve was a nice gentle run out towards Keswick around the lake and then retrace the route back towards the hostel.

This was a nice chance to stretch the legs out and to see how the abilities were in the group. The sun was shining and this was a great chance to chat to people and find out about everybody's running goals and experience. Then it was back to the hostel for dinner which was fantastic and socialising with all the people on the course and our special foreign guests!

Katey and I were the last ones standing as someone had to keep the foreign guys entertained and everyone else had gone to bed, it was a late night for us but worth it to be chatting with such amazing runners. I even managed to persuade them to try the full selection of 9Bars which went down a storm! Fruity being the all out favourite. It is worth mentioning here that
have also just brought out a new range of Breakfast bars- I was lucky enough to get some early as I paid the lovely Mr Ninebar a visit last week. The flavours are amazing - almond and raspberry being my personal favourite. It was also really interesting to find out from Scott that he used to have Alaskan Huskies! Sled dogs are amazing running partners! Although in saying that my old malamute Blizz is lying at my feet at the moment shattered after our walk in the Scottish hills. Katey and I retired to bed trying not to disturb our sleeping room mates, we realised we are useless at making beds and not good with duvet covers! But that's another type of tale.

Early Saturday morning we were up and ready for a yummy breakfast followed by a session on stretching then it was off into the hills again for a beautiful 8-9 miles run over towards Catbells - I am useless at remembering routes but I will ask someone more knowledgeable than me where I went! It was great chatting to all the group and it was a really nice bunch of people to spend time socialising with.

More food! Huge lunches - two rolls, two homemade cakes, fruit and crisps!  And then an afternoon session of Hill technique led by Ricky Lightfoot. Lots of advice and help was given out to improve technique when running up and downhill. I actually found this session a bit too tough being pregnant and found myself getting a bit too out of breath so eased off and took it steady.

A nice short run followed and then back to the hostel for chill time. A session on planning your training was also given by Sam Meadows which was really informative and showed the different approaches that people apply. It makes me realise how I really like having a training routine to follow and would find it hard to adopt a "run how I feel approach" although I am quite enjoying having flexibility at the moment to just enjoy my running and not worry too much about mileage or hill reps - time on feet is my aim for the next 6 months or so.

Saturday evening was probably the highlight of the weekend. An informal Q and A session with Billy Bland, Rickey Gates, Scott Jurek, Martin Cox and Ricky Lightfoot. It was fascinating to hear about the lives of other runners, the philosophies and training methods which they apply.
So many conflicting and different schedules really does show that different approaches work well for different people. I think it would be fair to say that everyone left the session feeling inspired and motivated to work hard at their running.  Scott's book was also mentioned "Eat and Run" and I did buy this on Kindle as soon as I arrived home and read it over the next two days. I would recommend it to anyone with an interest in running and some of the recipes in it sounded fantastic. I will be giving some of these a whirl in the near future, although I may have to get Katey to come round for dinner as Phil doesn't do vegetables!

An earlier night for me on the Saturday as I was shattered! Growing a spud is hard work.

Sunday - another hearty breakfast and a chat about kit and different options available to runners. Then a lovely 15 k run over towards my least favourite hill - Watlendath! The only reason I dislike it is because it comes at the end of Scafell Pike marathon and it is a killer on tired legs. This was a beautiful run and another day that was well organised, good fun and worked well.

Back to the hostel for more food and to request some feedback from people then we all headed off home shattered and for me ready to re pack for a good break up in Scotland.

The trail running weekend was really successful and people on the course seemed to get an awful lot from it. The next one is in May and aimed at longer distance running and is more of an Ultra Distance weekend. I am really looking forward to that and hoping I am not too fat and will be able to keep up ok. As for the injury that plagued me for most of last year - giving me no problems at all! I am keeping my core and strengthening work up and seeing superstar Duncan Mason at

every few weeks for general maintenance and I am delighted to report that nothing hurts, running feels fantastic and my weekly mileage even at 18 weeks pregnant is usually between 40-50 miles. I really can't ask for better than that.

Check out

for more details about their amazing events and great training opportunities.

Thanks to everyone involved for making this such an enjoyable weekend.