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Looked after by....

Sunday 11 May 2014

Running for Two

As a keen runner and someone who trains daily I had expectations that right from finding out I was pregnant the following things would happen -

  • I would become immensely fat almost instantaneously.
  • I would have to dramatically reduce my mileage.
  • I would feel sick constantly.
  • I would be too tired to run
  • I would turn into the grumpiest person on the planet.

I am therefore really pleased to report that actually I am more than halfway through my pregnancy -  22 weeks (5 months) and running related things are pretty good.

My training and mileage had been pretty sporadic since June 2013 when I was struggling with a hip injury. Between June and December my mileage began creeping back up after lots of rehab and treatment, in December I was back up to almost normal mileage of 40-50 miles a week.

After returning from Skiing in January my mileage was around 35 miles a week but I seemed to be finding running more tiring than normal. After an amazing 4.5hour run in the Lakes with Ian and Emily I really seemed to be feeling out of breath on the hills and generally struggling with climbing. I put this down to having a tough time after loosing one of my closest friends to Cancer and just feeling under the weather. A few days later a positive test confirmed why I may have been feeling more tired than normal. Throughout Jan and Feb I was managing 35-40 miles a week and feeling ok.

One of my main concerns with being pregnant was that I would struggle to keep my long runs in and didn't know how I would manage energy wise on long training runs - so only one thing for it.......

Go and run around the Three Peaks and see how it felt. 25.5 miles with great company confirmed that at the moment long runs were fine!

This made me really happy as I didn't want to lose all the endurance and stamina that I had built up over the last few years.

So three weeks later I figured another 25 miler was due and sure enough I felt pretty good on that one too.

The last week in March and first week in April I had to have a break from running as I felt really rough and had an awful cold that seemed to floor me. But sure enough the week after I was right back on it again clocking up a nice 45 mile week.

The last four weeks I have still felt pretty good running and managed between 35- 40 miles a week making sure each week at least one of my runs is in double figures.

I have also kept up my Core and Strengthening work daily! HONEST! I have also started using the turbo trainer a bit more and have also bought a cross trainer so that if running does become more tricky I have other options.

So how is running different.....

MINDSET - I don't have a desire to race the same as I used to - If I push myself a bit too hard I ease off as I am cautious of the fact that I don't want to cause any problems for me or baby. Despite being able to apply this to running I just couldn't stop myself tearing downhill on the Mountain Bike in Scotland the other week trying to catch up people in front of me. Although I promise I will start to back off from now on........

HILLS - I have never liked running up hills and now I have a good excuse to take them easier! Well, there has to be some benefits.

DOWNHILLS - I still adore this bit of running but I am more cautious of tripping or stumbling over rocks.

CLOTHING - Buying any new clothing is good - I managed to buy some great maternity running tops from the States and am just starting to venture into wearing them now as I am just about sporting a bump rather than just looking like I have had a few too many pies. Shorts and tights fit fine and I am LOVING the SKORTS again. We just need a bit more consistent sunshine so I don't freeze my butt off wearing them. I also bought a maternity support band

DISTANCE - Fine! But my legs are definitely more tired the day after a long run than they would be normally. Also my legs sometimes just feel a bit heavier than normal when running especially on the uphills. My glutes also get tight - so I am still seeing Duncan for treatment every three weeks which is keeping me moving well. My hips are also generally a bit achy at times but stretching seems to help this.

CORE - core work is progressing well and I am keeping up my training but I have adapted some of my routines and in the last few weeks I am doing more standing stomach and core exercises.

FUEL and HYDRATION - No change. Drink when I need a drink, eat when I need food.

MAIN PROBLEM - PEEING! Constantly......like every 0.5 mile but if that is the worst I have to deal with then I can cope with that. I just have very supportive friends who wait for me again and again and again and again and again..........

I feel really lucky at the moment that I have had such a straightforward pregnancy so far and I have my fingers crossed that this continues as I would like to keep up my running for as long as I can.

As for the next few weeks lots of running fun lined up.....

Ultra Distance trail weekend with High Terrain Events - May 24th-25th - I am hoping I can keep up on some nice long runs in the Lakes.

Then a week holiday- with some nice runs on the beaches and in the forests.

In June I will be at Borrowdale Races rather than doing the full Scafell Marathon route - probably doing the 21k route.

Then Trail Marathon Wales also in June - An event I love! But just the half marathon at this one.

I'll be 30 weeks by this point so may have to reassess how things are at this point before planning anything else!